Product Placement & Entertainment Promotion: Yellowstone & Coors Banquet


Coors Banquet


Coors Banquet


Coors Banquet

Molson Coors 150 Years of Coors Banquet

  • AIM recognized Yellowstone as an ideal fit, aligning seamlessly with Coors Banquet's brand strategy
  • This placement has transformed into various promotional avenues, extending its reach to retail promotions, in-program broadcast television features, and even a significant talent spokesperson partnership
  • The connection through product placement generated a wealth of valuable brand impressions, all achieved at a fraction of the cost of traditional media campaigns
  • Notably, within the initial four weeks, sales surged by an impressive 14.2 percent, with a consistent 3.6 percent increase in volume year-to-date

To learn more about the campaign please visit the Molson Coors Blog


In Store Display


In Store Display